St. Kilda festival adventure number one. Eri decided it was my mission to organise the Friday night of the festival 'cos it had been so much fun dancing to The Cat Empire on the pier last year. This year it was salsa with lessons and a band. But as usual it was geared towards couples, so Skippa didn't get a dance. Most of the night ended up involving drinking on the beach, interspersed with trips to the Espy. The Herd were playing, but not till late and I had to got ot work. As I do every Saturday. So unfortunately I couldn't stay. At the last minute before we left I had a stress out that I would eb over .05 'cos there were so many cops around, pulling people over every ten seconds. Eri's drunk reasoning told me I was fine and I believed her, which probably says something a bout the state I was in anyway. But just to make sure we went in to the Espy to see if we could find one of those disposable breath testers. Instead we found this kick ass band called Illzilla. We rocked out to them for a while, but hen went back to the car and drove home incident free. The next night Ev, Burl, Liz and I went to see TZU at the Northcote Social club and who should be supporting but.... Illzilla. So that was cool we got to see a full set. Nice venue. Never been before, fairly new, apparently owned by old Punters crowd and Corner. Big expectations. We sat around reminiscing about the old Punters' days with some local dude. Good times. Also I saw Auls who I hadn't for ages so that was cool. Ended up being entirely wasted, so unlike me these days, and had a really awesome time. That TZU really are amazing. The couldn't have been one girl in the room who wasn't liquid when Joel went in to his deep soul love song. mmmm mmmm. Ended the night back at my place, don't know if that was such a good idea. We had such a big day planned for the festival on Sunday.