How is it that i finally get around to posting something on this blog, after weeks, and the stupid thing doesn't work? The whole of blogger was down. Or something.
It was all very in the moment any way, so it's not worth writing now.
Additional though.......
Everyone should get down to the Tote on Sund'y. Black chords play at 3.30. Come, relax and be entertained in the interests of charity on a Spring Sunday afternoon at the Tote.Past Monash University Geography students are putting on a 'Trash and Treasure' fundraiser with a number of attractions in order to raise funds to send directly to 'self help' community group projects in South Africa.
For a small $6 door fee, you will be impressed by some of Melbourne's finest upcoming rock bands – Telecom, The Kissingers, The Cheats and Blackchords, plus awesome Melbourne DJs.
In the company of friends you will be able to chill out in the beer garden and browse through a wide range of trash and treasure at bargain prices. Also in the mix is a BBQ, and a bake sale for those amongst us with a sweet tooth. What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon for a good cause? Put it in the diary – Kicks off at 3pm, October 29 th.
(Rumor has it that pete is cooking some goodies for the bake stall! it'll be just like a primary school fete!)
how delightful!
See you there in various states of dissarray.