Sunday, December 30, 2007

The slap of soccer

It's been a long time between drinks I know, but here it is.

Another Soccer injury.
Heaths housemate, Dylan, organised a five-a-side comp in Edinburgh Gardens on Boxing Day and I took a carload of Elthamites in to be my team. Mark, Heath and the prodigal Katja and Leon.
We were a shit team and the losers of the losers, but it was fun.
Except, of course, when some seriously competitive boys took us on and one of them kicked full pelt for goal when I was standing less than a metre in front of him. Thanks to the healing powers of Hirudoid, Traumel cream and Arnika it has only bruised around the edges where i missed with cream, but nearly a week later I still have hexagons tatooed on my upper thigh.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Back in the Winner's circle!

Things I've won lately;

A Crumpler bag from the rrr OB,

$5 on a scratchie,

Christmas album of the week on rrr,

Things I've lost lately;

Trent- to a white Christmas in Canada.