Monday, May 02, 2005

Logies night

What a weekend for birthdays! I'm all tuckered out just thinking about the whirlwind that was both the first in May and the last in April. Grant's on Saturday night was a hoot. So much dancing. After much coercion, which it turned out I needed none of, I requested Britney. Promising that if it was played we'd dance on stage. And played it was. And stronger none the less.
Then Sunday after belated realisation at the actual time of the event. I made it to Keath's at the Napier. As expected eri was inappropriately drunk again. Gee she loves the sauce that kid. Happy birthday Heath and welcome back to Katj too.
As you can see there was much beer to be drunk and so unfortunately there was no time for logies watching. Gee what a pity.

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