Sunday, January 14, 2007

Snake on a Bush

This is what I woke up to on Wednesday of last week. A liitle blury I know, but a big fat tiger snake, just outside my bedroom window. My bedroom window which I had left open all night in the hope that the blistering heat would subside. Unfortunately the temp outside didn't drop below 28, so I risked my life through snake bite for nothing.

This sighting made me paranoid for about a day- keeping my doors and windows shut, wearing shoes whenever outside and making plenty of noise, looking around whenever I heard a rustle in the leaves around anywhere.

Over it now though, but I am still thinking about a flywire screen for that window.


JoeyJoJo said...

Oh My are one brave girl. I daren't show any of my English friends. It would keep them out ofOz forever...hmmmmm maybe not such a ba idea.

JoeyJoJo said...

That's "bad idea"