Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oiksta Boiksta

It looks like it's all over.

The phenomenon that is my birth month has fallen short.

Although it did start early on the 30th of September there has been no birthday action since Leaving the Prom on Sunday.

What a way to finish it all off though.

The most brilliantly sunny weekend of food and fun and Bollywood.

Even not bringing a real tent (turned out when I got it out of the bag it was a beach shelter) or my lilo having a giant tear in it (first attempt at patching with flouro gaffer tape didn't go so well) or the migraine I had for more than half the time couldn't put a dampener on it all.

And the sun!

A definite highlight of my actual birthday was Mark's special dove blowing demonstration, the unearthing of a hidden super power.

Also the crepes. MMMMMMMMM Yummy!

inspired by the Colombian Pizza en el Parque the pear, bacon and blue cheese combo blew my mind it was so tasty. So tasty I've got a date tonight with the same thing again.

Thank you to everyone for all my events and happy birthday to everyone else who is sharing in the celebratory times.

1 comment:

JoeyJoJo said...

Amy hast das oiksta boiksta tra la la la laaa. I hope Rodney is in your hands as we speak. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx