Friday, July 03, 2009


Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!

It's really happening!

It's really really happening!

We're going to see Britney!

I had to get in to work early to go online for them.

It did not run smoothly.

First of all I had to wait 2 mins to get on to the site,

Then all the general admission tickets were all sold out,

Then it took ages to get back to the page to choose new tickets,

Then I got the tickets for standing- but my credit card didn't work!!!!!!

Oh my god, I thought I as going to have a heart attack.
I called my mum to get her credit card details- but no answer.
After being charged with the sole responsibility of getting these tickets for us die hard Britney fans I could think of no way I could explain to the girls that we had missed out and would have to pay thousands for tickets from ebay.
But then I remembered I was at work. Quickly I whipped out the work credit card and charged it for 5 tickets.
So we're in and it's really really happening. It's really really happening.
I saw Britney in Sydney in 2001. It was just a promo show and I didn't see her perform, but
I got to see her in the flesh. Now it's time to share the night of our lives with the girls. We'll be rockin it with our dances in the crowd.
I can't wait!!!!

1 comment:

JoeyJoJo said...

OMG OMG OMG If anyone deserved to see Britney it's you Babe.
Now......what are you going to wear?