Monday, December 27, 2004


Well, it's over. The silly season has come to a close they say. But people are still queuing for 2 hours at the registers for boxing day sales, destiny's child are still singing that it feels like Christmas in sexy little Santa outfits, and on top of all that my dad has ended up in hospital. That's right hospital. Being a Skipper he couldn't stop working for even day, so Christmas afternoon he was up at Matcham's doing something to a doorand sliced the back of his thumb open hard. Now he's had microsurgery to reattatch the tendons his hand in plaster so he doesn't get any crazy ideas about using it at all, plus six weeks off work for summer. So I guess it can't be all bad.

Boxing day was still on at Dalesford with the Kilpatricks and Skippers much delicious food and sangria, out in Sandy's beautiful garden and even though the forecast top was only about 23 the sun was out and it turned out to be a beautiful day. I even got sunburnt, but hey, that's no mean feat.

Christmas I did too. But that was due to the fun and excitement of Kris Kringal. Our own twisted version of it at least. One that involves deception and lies and cheating and stealing. And most of all laughter. I got a Britney present though so it's all alright.

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