Monday, January 10, 2005

Irish shenanigans

It's finally happening. Mel and Dalm off to see the world. And to celebrate we had to, well, celebrate. I don't know what we did all night, mostly dancing and drinking. But it was different this time because we had a reason. The last time to dance and drink with our two "special" friends.
How did we it get to be so late so soon? Kicked out of downstairs I think we all agreed (or maybe I just cracked it and made everyone join me I don't know) that if that's Irish then I hope you find some nice aussies to hang out with. Nah only joking, but that place was pretty horrible. Everyone else may have partied till Sunday night, but Mel, Eri and I had to leave The Lounge 'cos Monty got kicked out! We still don't know why. It was all very civilized with the bouncer informing him of the fact that management no longer wanted him there. But then he was man handled and shoved out the door. And we can't figure out why. If anyone knows please tell us!
Then back to Eri's to sit around smoking and drinking gin and juice, that which didn't end up on the floor. But first Monty was struggling so much with the feat of unlocking the door with his keys attatched to his pants that he had to take off his pants to get the key in the lock to let us in, and we all know how much Mont likes to take his pants off. As the sun started to rise over the suburban palms of Preston we made moves towards bed. But I don't think sleeping was such a good idea. After a couple of hours I woke up sick as a dog. It was all worth it though.
I love you guys heaps and really will miss you so much while you're gone. I do hope you have the most amazing time, as I know you will. But spare a thought for us back home every now and then and make sure you stay (relatively) safe. Mawah love you heaps.

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