Monday, January 31, 2005

Australia Day

So hot right now! Australia Day was so hot. Bbqs all round and Triple J's Hottest 100, not to mention the cliff hanger of two incredible Aussie Open matches. But man was it hot. This detox thing nearly killed me. Nothing would have satisfied like a nice cold brew. But I stuck with my water and juices. It really is tough work being healthy. It's all for a good cause though- so I can waste it again at the prom in a couple of weeks. No. 1 on the hottest 100..... Franz Ferdinand- take me out. Such a suprise! I picked it as soon as the voting was announced. But I get the feeling most people did. It had double the votes of the no.2 song Missy Higgins.

Was great to see Tess back from her adventures in Borneo. She thought the weather was great 'cos she wasn't dripping with sweat. Maggie's back from around the place as well, so happy and tanned and full of stories.

I hope you guys os celebrated in a fittingly Australian way.

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