Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Smiling at Strangers

I bought the new TZU album today and already I love it! Plus I got a bonus t-shirt to go with it. Can't go wrong there. Unless it's a boy t-shirt and baggy. "But you can just whip around it on the machine right?" well. right I could. But that sounds a bit like work, and if I actually buy, or get for free, clothes, I don't want to have to fix them. But i would do it for you tzu. Really is a great second album, branching out a little. Into a sort of music that i can really dig though, which is cool. It's not very often that when you like one bands kid of music, that they're e into another sort of music that you like, especially hiphoppers. They're all like "hip hop, yeah!" and stuff. So I"m going to go and see them again on Friday at the Ev. Haven't been to a gig there for ages either, so it should be fun.
I have a trivia question for you- "What biblically named pub in Fitzroy can be found directly opposite the 'labour in vain'?" (4,2,7)

Clearly it's the Perse right? Well not according to the letters 4 2 7. I have come up with Land of Promise, but clearly this place doesn't exist. I think the paper got it wrong, clearly they're not as cool as me, but if anyone is cooler than me and they know the answer let me know.

Punctuation is a funny thing isn't it. I have no idea how to use it, but I go through phases, such as now I love "quotation marks", just in case you hadn't noticed. I remember in grade 5 Ms. Turpin doing that verbal quotation mark business with her fingers. We all thought it was hilarious. Those boney alien fingers curling around the words. We also did philosophy in that class. I don't remember that. All I can envisage is sitting on our chairs in a circle, not at our desks. Now that's alternative thinking.

As well as buying a CD today I went to the physio, did half a day of work, donated blood and then just ate a whole lot of lasagne for Lena's birthday dinner. All in all a very productive day me thinks.


Anonymous said...

Associated Press launches asap
The Associated Press has launched a new online and print service called asap in a bid to help its members attract a younger audience.
What is this place? Blog heaven??? hah hah. Hey, no really I like it. It's..shall we say..refreshing! Lets just say I'll be bookmarking you.

Hey if you get a minute to spare see our business internet site.We have the best deals on business internet. See you there!

skips said...

bastard spam. I'm not nerdy enought to get rid of it.