Thursday, October 20, 2005


Today. Could have been the second worst day ever. Following closely behind the day after Grand Final and Jessie's birthday. The opening last night was a smashing success. I felt like a real "artist". I was doing well and everything was going quite fine, till down in the kitchen Dan gave me a shot of what I can only expect was ouzo. And it all went down hill from there.
After much no sleep I had to go to work in "The 'Hoe" all day. So hung over. I thought I was doing ok 'till I got out of my car. And those of you who know me well will know what went on from there. So all day I was feeling like absoloute crap, making frequent trips to the bathroom, and doing everything else very, very slowly. Luckily I have four days before I have to go back there, so plenty of time to recover, get some work done at The Vat and hit it again.

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