Monday, May 01, 2006

Wet behind the ears

I haven’t posted for ages. I guess it’s because I’ve actually been doing things in the real world, not just in the land of the computer nerd. Holidays in Byron were gorgeous. Such fantastic weather, company, camping, music.

It feels like such a long time ago already. This cold rainy weather has really brought me right back down to earth. Smack! Or whatever sound a wet slap to the face makes. Again we've booked the site for next year, so Kath and Nick you'd better be there too, and those who promise better make good on that.
Since I’ve come home I’ve kept the routine of going to shows though, but shows of a different kind. Dylan Moran on Sunday. Man was he funny, not to rub salt into the wounds of anyone who missed the season, but he was great. Even if he did totally lose track of what he was going on about towards the end. He may try to say that Bernard is just a character, but he really is Bernard.
Elbowskin last Wednesday was great, those gys just get better and better. The Comedy Festival is a great time to be out and about in Melbourne. There is just so many people everywhere. And unlike during the Melbourne Festival they're not all snobby and arty, just out for a laugh and a good time.
Then Saturday was The Lion King.

Amazing costumes and puppet work. Not to mention all the topless hotties throughout. I can't believe it's taken me this long to get to see it.

Apart from that it's been lots of catching up with everyone, beer and burning, soccer and even a little bit of work on the side.

1 comment:

JoeyJoJo said...

Hi Amy. What a great photo of the pelican. What great photo's all round. Glad the Lion king was good. Miss you all muchly. Damn this business of loving two places & 2 lots of people at the same time. What have I got myself into?
I do love your casual blog style, I wish I could recreate it.
Love & more Love
Your Joey.