Friday, September 01, 2006

Spring Clean

Hurrah! Spring has now officially arrived! And it's freakin' warm right now, even at 6.00.

Today I cleaned out all my bags. Hand bags, day bags, evening bags, overnight bags and back packs. (Note the lack of trashbags.)

I found a few things:

That I have a whole lot of bags,

3 pairs of sunglasses,

A Spicks and Specks question card,*

3 pens,

A fork,

A Kenny Rogers brochure,

$34.25 in change,

A ticket to the Commonwealth Games hockey.

All things I could live without.

Things I didn't find:

My driver's licence,

New tyres for my car,

A boyfriend,


A plane ticket.

All of which I could do with.

I also cleaned out all my clothes and actually managed to find some I could get rid of. Don't worry, I haven't actually done anything with them yet. They're just sitting in a pile ready to go.

*OMG, did anyone see that horriffic rip off of Spicks and Specks that was on some other channel last weekend? So incredibly blatant, yet done so poorly. I couldn't watch. And hosted by Todd McKenney?????????


Anonymous said...

I'd appreciate you not ratting on my pal Todd.

Anonymous said...

oh no.... nerds breeding before my very eyes