Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ha Ha, Suckers!

On Monday coming home from Girls Night I got pulled into a booze bus.

As I do every time I get pulled over by the cops I was freaking out.

While I was waiting in the line of cars another officer happened to notice I didn't have my new rego sticker up, he asked me about it and I played all innocent. "Oh really, oh I'm sure it's in here somewhere" I knew I'd paid it about 2 months ago, but last week I did mention that I should probably find the sticker and put it up.

Then as I pulled up to the testing guy I asked him if my car was smelling hot. (And no I don't mean "HOT") I've just gotten it back from the mechanics and he said if the temp started to go up to pull over immediately. But then I got paranoid that because I was all chatty to him that I was drunk, as I had been drinking wine and strawberry chmpagne. Luckily I was fine and allowed to drive on.

Unbeknownst to them I don't have a license to carry around with me either.

What's the deal with that? Do I get in trouble if they ask and I don't have it? Of course I'd just play dumb and be all "I'm sure it's around here somewhere, oh it must be in my other bag" or some such. But is this actually a way out? And at what point do they ask you for your license anyway? Surely if you blow above 0.0 they should have a look to make sure you're not on your P's or anything. And if I didn't show a small level of alcohol in my blood then how much would you have to drink to be at .05?


keathw said...

Ha. Funny stuff. You got away with it. Locky and i were not so lucky... we got our details taken by the 'Feds'!!!! Sowehow we walked on to Commonwealth Land. "A RESTRICTED ZONE". Although i'd call it a "BEACH" with no warning sign posts. I told the Federal police officer as much, only to be told "ignorence of the law is no excuse"! Its a fucking beach mate with no signs... I asked him to point out the signs and he soon realised i was right. Even still if i get pulled over by the regular police it'll be on my record, insanity. Fight the Power.

skips said...

Yeah. Us rebels have to stick together.