Sunday, February 12, 2006

Summer fun in the sun

What a great weekend. I would seriously consider moving across the river for a weekend like this. B and I went to the mso concert at the Myer Music Bowl, complete with fireworks! I haven't enjoyed firworks like that for ages. The first set where timed perfectly with the music, then the encore was more spectacular, but not so well timed witht the Armenian tunes.
The best bit was being able to walk to the beach from B's place. Just lying in the sun, pretending that the rush of traffic was the breaking of waves. then walking to ice cream, passing by Stubbsy's shop and continuing on for dim sims. Plenty of walking, but I felt good for it.
Then this afternoon another picnic to see Brenna, who's back home for a while, also I got to see Anna and Sarah who i also hadn't seen for about 18 months. I can't believe I can go for so long without seeing them. It was hard to leave 'cos i fear I'll get slack and not see them for ages again, even though I have the best intentions. So i promise to make a concerted effort to stay in touch regularly. Love you guys.


JoeyJoJo said...

Yay, some content Skips.
I know it's like another planet but the other side of the river was always good to me. Especially when you used to come & stay at my house.
Went to lunch at some friends yesterday & they had Google Earth & we zoomed right in to Princes Street, St Kilda.
Homesick & a half.
Snow drops are showing here now though & the birds are starting to sing.
Roxi arrives this week on Thursday. Should be good fun.
Love you.

april stripy stockings said...

it was lovely amy!!! let's hope the lovely beach weather continues for more summer adventures...