Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cabo San Juan del Guia

That dammned Chavez, always ruining my fun!

On the morning we were leaving to go to Ciudad Perdida we got he call from above to say it was too dangerous to do the trek. The mountains in the area were crawling with Colombian military and it wasn´t worth getting caught in the middle of it. At least theytold us and didn´t let us walk into a battlezone blissfully unaware.

It really turned out to be a blessing though, ´cos instead of a six day hike to see some ruins we walked for about three hours to see a mini version ´Pueblito´and then spent three days chilling out on the beach in the national park. It was absoloute bliss- white sand Palm trees, coconuts everywhere, a restaurant to eat every meal at- that is until we tried to sleep our first night. We decided to go the expensive hammock option for 20 grand, right up high under a cabaƱa on stilts with the most amazing views of the rocks and oceans, that is until it got dark and cold and windy as hell. All the spray from the ocean came up and slightly dampened evrything and then the wind had the most amazing air conditioning effect. I did have my sleeping bag so I was a bit better off than Trent, just in all his clothes, and Justine who is four and a half months pregnant in the same situation. After that hellish experience we opted for tents, which still wasn´t ideal, but a hell of a lot better than up in the crows nest. It would be great to go back there prepared for it all and take a whole lot of food a drinks and really settle in for a while, except for the constant threat of ticks.

The way back we walked up the beach past all the other ´resorts´(a camp ground and restaurant) and were glad for our choice of Cabo and that we had a beautiful safe beach to swim in every day. The beach up the coast a bit, arriceffes has really rough seas and strong currents which people regularly get swept away in.

We´re offon our next Colombian adventure to Taganaga for more beach and possibly a diving course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're crazy. i don't think i can pronounce the names of any of the places that you went but they sound exciting enough. when do you get to call us?
