Friday, March 17, 2006

Friday Afternoon

dYesterday I was so happy to be at work. All this week has been great. Being in charge, selling lots of dresses. But now it's Friday afternoon and I'm sick of it. It's been a lot quieter, without any appointments, which I was glad for. But that also means I'm stuck out the back with people who are starting to grate on me and no reason to go out the front and get excited for people.
Going out for Liz's/Shay's/St. Patty's tonight. I think I'm going to have to break my detox for just one green beer should the opportunity arise. I'm sure my liver will thank me for it in the long run. I have to work tomorrow though, and all my appointments seem to be rescheduling, so even though I have to be in for 9.30 I then have 2 hours before my next appointment. Plus I have to find things to do for one other person- not sewing? It's gonna suck I can tell.
There's still a chance I may have to work Sunday too. A gig in Werribee for a festival parade. I doubt they'd call me now though for that though. Would they? Perhaps subliminaly to avoid that confirmation call, I left my phone at home today.
Ok that's enough random rambling.


JoeyJoJo said...

Have a green one for me skips.

Anonymous said...

Still no photos. we want photos......

skips said...

I'm working on it monkee

skips said...

photos aren't working sorry

JoeyJoJo said...

Don't worry, I can just remember what you look like. Just don't bloody well kill yourself before I get back there.