Monday, March 13, 2006


I feel so handy! I just changed a tyre for the first time. Not that unexplainably a sharp and owie piece of metal pierced my tyre and it was dead flat when I got out to it today. (Well, when my mum went out to it as she was borrowing my car.) So I got down on my knees in the mud with all my tools and changed it. I had been needing some attention paid to the balance of my tyres so I guess this is just a kick up the bum to go and do something about it. The spare tyre is pretty crappy, and the rear ones probably both need replacing so there goes another weeks paycheck on sorting all that stuff out. Boo. At least I'm saving money on alcohol by not drinking. But I bought myself a hair straightener/curler last week, so it all evens out to still having no money.

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